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Welcome to Mathematics & Science Teaching & Learning through Technology Database

A Canadian Flag as seen through a spherical water lens.

If you are a K-12 mathematics or science teacher, a student or a parent, a teacher educator or a future teacher, this web site is designed for you! We are a an international team of mathematics and science educators (K-12 teachers and faculty members), graduate and undergraduate students from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, as well as from other countries and institutions who work together in order to help disseminate science and mathematics educational research into our schools. While one of our major goals is to support mathematics and science teachers in the use of educational technologies, we realize that unless teachers have high-quality educational materials to be used with these technologies, technology will not change how mathematics and science are taught in our schools. Since we believe that technology has a vast potential in our schools, we started designing materials suitable for K-12 mathematics and science classrooms to be used with technologies, such as electronic response systems (clickers), sensors (Vernier Logger Pro), computer simulations (such as PhET), Geogebra, etc. We also tried to make sure that our database (Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning through Technology – MSTLTT) is easy to navigate and it reflects current Canadian curriculum in the province British Columbia. Although we focus on British Columbia curriculum, we realize that mathematics and science curricula in other provinces and countries will have a lot of overlaps, so we will be happy if teachers from all over the world use and contribute to this resource.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Faculty of Education
Scarfe Building
2125 Main Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada
Tel: 604-822-5422
Fax: 604-822-4714
Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy
Scarfe Building
2125 Main Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T1Z4, Canada
Tel: 604-822-5422
Fax: 604-822-4714

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