On Thursday, February 28th, 2012, the MSTLTT Team (graduate students Heather Fisher and Alexandra McDonald and I) presented our research on the development and implementation of conceptual questions at the S&METRI monthly meeting. S&METRI represents a group of mathematics and science educators at the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy at UBC who come together to discuss our research and new ideas in the field. During this meeting we discussed our project: Mathematics Teaching and Learning Through Technology and the challenges of creating pedagogically effective multiple-choice questions. We had an opportunity not only to present our research, but also to help the participants experience it. This was very interesting and engaging. We also had a chance to talk about different ways of implementing clicker-enhanced pedagogy in the classroom.
Next year our resource will be used not only in physics methods course, but also in mathematics and science methods courses and it was great to see the interest raised by the resource.
Photos from our meeting can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151735523048362.1073741825.643353361&type=1