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MSTLTT Project has more than 1000 Conceptual Questions!

On March 8, 2012 hundreds of BC physics students (430 students) and more than 50 physics teachers came to UBC to participate in 36th UBC Physics Olympics: http://physoly.phas.ubc.ca/  One of the most popular events in the Olympics was Quizzics – an event that included conceptual multiple-choice physics questions, like the one shown below. Our MSTLTT resource is a great opportunity for students to become familiar with conceptual side of physics.  Our resource has more than a thousand conceptual questions to play with and each one of them has an explanation and some ideas about different ways of thinking about it. We hope that they will be helpful for students preparing for 37th UBC Physics Olympics that will take place next year! By that time our database will expand event further!


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