The behavior of voltage, current and resistance will be analyzed in parallel circuits. The power dissipated in parallel circuits will also be compared with the power dissipated in series circuits.
circuits, current, parallel circuits, physics 11-12, power, resistance, voltage
The behavior of voltage, current and resistance will be analyzed in series circuits.
current, DC circuits, electricity, physical science 8-10, physics 11-12, power, resistance, series circuits, voltage
In this problem set, voltages and currents in resistor nets shaped like the platonic solids are deduced using knowledge about parallel and series circuits.
circuits, current, DC circuits, electricity, parallel circuits, physics 11-12, resistance, resistors, series circuits, voltage
A guided explanation of potential differences and how they can be used in solving a series of increasingly convoluted electrical circuits.
current, DC circuits, electricity, kirchhoff's law, ohm's law, physical science 8-10, physics 11-12, resistance, resistors, voltage
The effect short circuits and switches have on complicated circuits involving resistors in series and parallel will be explored.
current, DC circuits, electricity, parallel circuits, physical science 8-10, physics 11-12, power, resistance, series circuits, short circuit, voltage